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Sourcing Services
-Procurement Auction
-Catalogue Buy
Fulfillment Services
Spend Analysis Services
Purchasing Intelligence
Indiasource Services

Indiaengineering’s Complete Sourcing is a comprehensive set of services that involves the use of Procurement Auction, plus specialized methodologies and expertise to make the discovery, qualification and selection of business-to-business suppliers more efficient and competitive. With a dedicated team of professionals and the necessary expertise across spend categories our strategic Sourcing Intelligence helps in quick new supplier discovery and qualification.

Our services enable companies to achieve significant cost savings by providing services for managing a company's unique sourcing requirement. We help buyers reduce the cost of direct and indirect materials and discover new suppliers through our procurement services, while suppliers acquire new customers and cut their sales and marketing overheads. We use Internet technology to create interactive online Reverse Auctions where buyers can obtain true market pricing from a spectrum of suppliers.

Our procurement domain expertise is spread across 25 categories and 8 verticals. This is complemented by an extensive supplier database across these categories.

  • Shorten sourcing lead time by an average of 35% to 50%
  • Reduce time-to-market cycles by 10% to 15%
  • Achieve an average of 8% to 20% unit price reductions
  • Better collaboration with suppliers leading to overall cost reduction
  • Sourcing is not a separate process any more and is well integrated with the supplier’s material ordering system.
  • Reduced communication & administrative overheads within and across purchase organizations of the enterprise
  • Buyers are freed up from repetitive to more value added tasks and process discipline is improved.
  In short, it enables better purchasing decisions made at reduced cost, thus guaranteeing bottom line results.  
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