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Sourcing Services
Vendor Facility Audit
Vendor Supply Mgmt.
MRO Outsourcing
Art to Part Vendor Dev.
Spend Analysis
Purchasing Intelligence
Indiasource Services
  Procurement outsourcing is shaping up as the next big trend in supply management. Enterprises are out-sourcing sub-optimal procurement activities and poorly controlled spend categories over to highly specialized procurement service providers.

At Indiaengineering, we provide the infrastructure and applications to dynamically assemble the right business processes, services and partners to serve all customer segments thereby building and strengthening business partner relationships for greater loyalty and liquidity. As India's leading Value Added Service Provider, our services are aimed at achieving customer end goal of cutting costs, reducing lead times and reducing time to market through our value-added approaches.


Indiaengineering offers each of the above as a stand-alone service offering or grouped together as part of a much broader e-procurement offering. As a first move towards e-procurement, clients typically request a Strategic Opportunity Assessment to identity and
validate the cost and process efficiencies to be gained through e-procurement initiatives.

In such cases, Indiaengineering can then work with the client in drawing up the most appropriate strategy and ultimately selecting the most appropriate offering. Whatever the client's e-procurement requirement is, Indiaengineering offers end-to-end consultancy and Domain expertise within this area to ensure world-class execution and delivery.



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