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Sourcing Services
Capital Equipment Bidding
Critical MRO Sourcing
Direct Material Bidding
Indirect Material Bidding
Aggregation - Sourcing
Logistics Bidding
China based Sourcing
Price Discovery Bidding
Vendor Facility Audit
Vendor Supply Mgmt.
MRO Outsourcing
Art to Part Vendor Dev.
Spend Analysis
Purchasing Intelligence
Indiasource Services
  Creating operational efficiencies and managing costs is the prime goal for any business. While purchased items constitute the single largest component for most organizational expenditure, sourcing is the key business function that provides maximum opportunity to save costs which would improve the bottom line more than proportionately.

eSourcing helps enterprises reduce direct purchasing costs and streamlines the existing procurement processes. It successfully emulates established strategic sourcing practices on the web, bringing together buyers and suppliers online to reduce transaction time and improve transparency across the enterprise. It helps convert routine procurement activity into a strategic one.

The goal of any sourcing initiative should be to select the supplier mix and products that best meet the organizational requirements at the lowest total cost. Indiaengineering’s comprehensive set of sourcing services include :



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  White Goods
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