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Sourcing Services
Capital Equipment Bidding
Critical MRO Sourcing
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Aggregation - Sourcing
Logistics Bidding
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Vendor Facility Audit
Vendor Supply Mgmt.
MRO Outsourcing
Art to Part Vendor Dev.
Spend Analysis
Purchasing Intelligence
Indiasource Services

In a fragmented and ultra-competitive market like Services, the Dynamic negotiation tool seems to work the best. While there is a plethora of transporters called themselves Logistics provider, there are a many serious players which have emerged in the past few years who can take end to end responsibilities with contracts won online. One of the most significant advantages of this is that the prices are finalized in a very short time across multiple routes covering sources and destinations.

Imagine trying to finalize over 250 destinations in 4 regions of the country in 10 types of trucks, covering 37 transporters. The tool can help reduce the pain and prices drastically.

  Indiaengineering has handled over two dozen unique transportation events ranging from inbound, outbound, exports, with results in the range from 8% to 20% reduction over market prices. It provides in-depth consultancy, as also assists in drafting best terms and conditions on transportation.

It has a rich database of over 200 approved logistics providers working for our customers like CEAT, Whirlpool, Thermax, Tata Steel etc. These logistics providers own large fleets serving across country and are offered large loads at volume discounts through Indiaengineering.



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