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Sourcing Services
Capital Equipment Bidding
Critical MRO Sourcing
Direct Material Bidding
Indirect Material Bidding
Aggregation - Sourcing
Logistics Bidding
China based Sourcing
Price Discovery Bidding
Vendor Facility Audit
Vendor Supply Mgmt.
MRO Outsourcing
Art to Part Vendor Dev.
Spend Analysis
Purchasing Intelligence
Indiasource Services

Tata Honeywell happens to be an Industrial Automation company with every project being unique and largely awarded through a tender process. It found a novel way of beating its competition by taking up bidding before filling up Tender documents within the likely community of suppliers. This gave them a better understanding of vendor price as well as a better chance of winning the tender which otherwise was based on best estimate of vendor price. They also found that the project can be executed faster as the price negotiation from likely vendors was already done and supplies could be discussed immediately.



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